Bitcoin ETF’s Now Hold $1M Bitcoins: How will this affect the Bitcoin price long-term?

By Rob - Cryptocurrency Copywriter

Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have taken the cryptocurrency market by storm, amassing significant holdings and reshaping the dynamics of Bitcoin’s supply and demand. As of early 2024, Bitcoin ETFs hold approximately 1 million Bitcoins, a considerable chunk of the total supply, which raises important questions about the future implications for Bitcoin’s market.

Understanding Bitcoin ETFs

Bitcoin ETFs are investment funds that track the price of Bitcoin and trade on traditional stock exchanges. They offer investors a way to gain exposure to Bitcoin without directly owning it. The launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs by financial giants like BlackRock and Fidelity has marked a significant milestone, driving substantial inflows and increasing mainstream adoption (Cointelegraph) (CoinDesk).

grayscale bitcoin ETF

Who Holds All the Bitcoins?

The Bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million, with around 19 million already mined. The ownership of Bitcoin is distributed among various entities:

  1. Retail Investors: Individual investors who hold Bitcoin in personal wallets or on exchanges.
  2. Institutional Investors: Entities such as hedge funds, mutual funds, and ETFs that acquire Bitcoin for investment purposes.
  3. Corporations: Companies like MicroStrategy and Tesla that hold significant amounts of Bitcoin as part of their treasury reserves.
  4. Bitcoin Miners: Entities that operate mining hardware to secure the network and receive newly minted Bitcoins as rewards.
  5. Lost or Inactive Coins: A substantial portion of Bitcoins is considered lost or inaccessible due to forgotten private keys or inactive wallets.

The Impact of ETFs on Bitcoin Supply

Bitcoin ETFs have rapidly accumulated Bitcoin holdings, now collectively owning about 1 million Bitcoins. This substantial accumulation by ETFs raises several implications for the Bitcoin market:

total bitcoin held by ETF's

Reduced Circulating Supply

As ETFs continue to buy and hold Bitcoin, the available supply for trading diminishes. This reduction in circulating supply can create a scarcity effect, potentially driving up prices. The principle of supply and demand suggests that as the supply decreases, if demand remains constant or increases, prices will likely rise (Livewire Markets).

Increased Market Stability

ETFs provide a regulated and secure way for institutional investors to enter the Bitcoin market. This influx of institutional capital can lead to increased market stability, as large holders are less likely to engage in speculative trading compared to retail investors. Moreover, ETFs often have strict security measures, reducing the risk of theft and enhancing investor confidence (Livewire Markets).

Potential for Further Accumulation

Given the success and growing popularity of Bitcoin ETFs, it is plausible that they will continue to accumulate more Bitcoins. If additional ETFs are approved and launched, the demand for Bitcoin could surge, further reducing the available supply. This trend could be particularly impactful as more conservative funds, like Fidelity’s All-in-One Conservative ETF, start allocating a portion of their assets to Bitcoin (Cointelegraph) (Cointelegraph).

Long-term Implications for Bitcoin

Price Appreciation

The increasing accumulation of Bitcoin by ETFs is likely to drive long-term price appreciation. With a finite supply and growing demand from institutional investors, Bitcoin’s value could continue to rise. This scenario aligns with predictions from analysts who foresee Bitcoin reaching new all-time highs in the coming years (CoinDesk).

Market Influence

ETFs wield significant market influence due to their large holdings. Their buying and selling activities can impact Bitcoin’s price and market sentiment. This influence underscores the importance of monitoring ETF flows and understanding their strategies and motivations.

Impact on Bitcoin Mining

The upcoming Bitcoin halving, expected in 2024, will reduce the block reward from 6.25 to 3.125 Bitcoins per block. This event decreases the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, further constricting supply. Miners may face increased financial pressure, potentially leading to higher operational costs and selling pressures, which could influence Bitcoin’s price dynamics (Livewire Markets).


The rise of Bitcoin ETFs represents a significant development in the cryptocurrency market, with profound implications for Bitcoin’s supply and demand dynamics. As these funds continue to grow and accumulate more Bitcoins, the effects on the market could be substantial, driving long-term price appreciation and market stability. Investors and market participants must stay informed about these trends to navigate the evolving landscape of Bitcoin investments effectively.

For more insights on Bitcoin ETFs and their market dynamics, check out the detailed analysis on CoinMrkt. This article delves into Bitcoin’s price action, technical indicators, and the impact of ETF approvals, offering a comprehensive view on the current market trends and future outlook.

Additionally, learn more about the implications of Bitcoin halving events and how they affect long-term prices by visiting CoinMrkt’s blog on the 2024 Bitcoin Halving. This resource provides historical context and future predictions, helping investors understand the potential market movements post-halving.

For a broader perspective on cryptocurrency mining and its profitability in 2024, explore CoinMrkt’s analysis. This article discusses the factors influencing mining profitability, including cryptocurrency prices, mining difficulty, and electricity costs, offering valuable insights for both new and experienced miners.

Stay informed with CoinMrkt for the latest updates and expert analysis on cryptocurrency trends and investment strategies.

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